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Monday, April 25, 2011


Hello friends!! I just wanted to let you know what is going on in Turquoise land. {grin} My original plan for this blog was to search online for a lot of turquoise products and show them to you.  What I'm having problems with is copying the pictures in order to post them...I copy a picture I find online and post it....fine so far.  But then the computer freezes up and won't let me actually finish the post.  I would think it was a fluke, but it has happened every single time I try to post online pics.  I am thinking that the anti-virus software I have must be not allowing me to for some reason.  I always post the link to the pic, but that doesn't seem to help.  Maybe some of you can help me!!  I would love any suggestions you may have. Thank you SO much for adding me and I will do my best to get things in order!  Blessings.
I just found the COOLEST blog EVER the other day!!  I can't believe there's another person that LOVES turquoise as much as I do!!  Look at this...

I want MY table to look like this!!